SFTP is too slow to respond.
This is a common error while taking backups or upgrading the server, irrespective of CM version. This is an SFTP error, most common in windows SFTP platforms. In order to resolve such issue- 1. Restart SFTP service. 2. Reboot SFTP server. 3. Download another SFTP server, preferably cygwin for linux based server, coreftp/freeftpd for windows. In order to install cygwin server, follow the below steps. Choose a plain windows server to install cygwin setup Once it is downloaded, run the set up and choose the below options. Install the source from internet. Create a local package directory in root directory. Choose cygwin.mirrors.pair.com, as download site for LPD. Choose the below packages- zlib, tcp wrappers, diffutils, openssh. Downloading the packages would take around 30minutes. In the meantime, make the changes in system variables . Once it is install, run the below commands- ssh-host-config (manuall answer Yes to questions exce...