
Showing posts from June, 2011

SFTP is too slow to respond.

This is a common error while taking backups or upgrading the server, irrespective of CM version. This is an SFTP error, most common in windows SFTP platforms. In order to resolve such issue- 1. Restart SFTP service. 2.  Reboot SFTP server. 3. Download another SFTP server, preferably cygwin for linux based server, coreftp/freeftpd for windows. In order to install cygwin server, follow the below steps. Choose a plain windows server to install cygwin setup   Once it is downloaded, run the set up and choose the below options. Install the source from internet.  Create a local package directory in root directory. Choose, as download site for LPD. Choose the below packages- zlib, tcp wrappers, diffutils, openssh. Downloading the packages would take around 30minutes. In the meantime, make the changes in system variables . Once it is install, run the below commands-   ssh-host-config    (manuall answer Yes to questions exce...

Plain Multicast MOH Configuration

Here, I introduce plain multicast MOH configuration. Why plain? It's because I am not digging into the granularity of switches and routers. Hence, the configuration is from CM perspective. More often then not, we get into MOH routing issues after it's configuration, which is mainly because we forgot to add a simple command on router. Below are the steps to follow- 1. Check the Multicast configuration box - On the audio source, MOH server and MRG. 2. When you check Multicast box on MOH server, it asks you to either use mutilcast IP addresses or ports, choose any. 3. Verified under Service Parameters > CCM Service that the default audio source is set to the right audio source. 4. Add "ip multicast routing" command globally on router. 5. Add "ip pim sparse-dense-mode"on all L2 and L3 devices in the call flow. Design- Step 1 Extension 1000 is in a call with Extension 2000 (branch office). Step 2 Extension 1000 places Extension 2000 on hold. ...

Attendant Console Call Control Failure

A lot of people get confused with AC plugin as AC business edition server. Let me define what stands for what. AC server is the server which is running Attendant console service, for example CM server and CUEAC server. AC plugin comes under application plugin in Call manager. CUxAC is the cisco unified business/department/enterprise attendant console, which Cisco has manufactured as a separate server. AC plugin used to come till CM version 6.1 installation DVD. Now, you can only get it when you are upgrading the server till CM version 7.1. Please note that AC plugin will not be there anymore in case you are upgrading the server to CM version 8.X. Coming back to the issue we are discussing. When we launch AC console, we get the following error message- "Initialization of call control failed" These are my recommendations, which should resolve our issue swiftly: Make sure there is no firewall or ports block between your AC client (workstation) and call manager. Have a...

Quick understanding of DRS.

Critical Backup is one of the most critical component of CUCM, mainly because if it is down and we don't have any recent backups, we are already in a half network down situation. Hence, it is advisable to take backup after any modification in CUCM box. Disaster Recovery System (DRS) Disaster recovery system performs cluster-level data backup and restore functions on Call Manager cluster. The services responsible for backup and restore functions are DRS MA and DRS LA. Master Agent (MA) Master Agent service should mainly be running on Publisher node. Master Agent service is responsible to  provide DRS user interface, which means that options like adding a backup devices, running manual backup etc. needs DRS MA service to be fully functional. Now, you can understand why it needs to run mainly on Publisher node :) Local Agent (LA) Local Agent service should be running on all CUCM nodes including Publisher node because it is LA service which is responsible to perform back...

Warming up!

Hi People, I hope this blog resolves the queries you are looking for. Feel free to leave a comment if you have any question or doubt. Comments are always welcomed, it helps writer to improve and encourage to write more. Happy Troubleshooting!:) Disclaimer- All the information provided in this blog is self-learned. Author won't be responsible for any damage or cause.