Integrating CME with Cisco Unity

Let's begin this with configuration on Cisco Unity for the integration-

Launch Cisco Tools Depot >> Switch Integration Tools >> Telephony integration Manager, double click on it to launch TIM.
Now, a new window will open where we can integrate CME with the unity.
Hit Create Integration >> SCCP >> Provide an Integration Name >> Next >> Provide IP address of the CME >> Next >> Next >> Provide the numbers for MWI on and off >> Next >> Number of ports you want to dedicate for this CME>> Next >> Next >> Finish.
This will require us to restart 'AVCsGateway' and 'AvCsMgr' service in Unity. After which the integration will complete.

When Unity will complete the integration, it will generate voicemail ports on the concerned CME automatically, just like how it does in CUCM. You can check them with "show ephone register"
Below is the sample of Unity ports-

ephone-29[28] Device:CiscoUM1-VI2 TCP socket:[5] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 8/8 max_streams=0
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:0
IP: * 46003 Unity Voice Port  keepalive 3097 max_line 1 available_line 0
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none

ephone-30[29] Device:CiscoUM1-VI3 TCP socket:[6] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 8/8 max_streams=0
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:0
IP: * 46015 Unity Voice Port  keepalive 3097 max_line 1 available_line 0
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none

ephone-31[30] Device:CiscoUM1-VI4 TCP socket:[7] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 8/8 max_streams=0
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:0
IP: * 46018 Unity Voice Port  keepalive 3097 max_line 1 available_line 0
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none

ephone-32[31] Device:CiscoUM1-VI1 TCP socket:[8] activeLine:0 whisperLine:0 REGISTERED in SCCP ver 8/8 max_streams=0
mediaActive:0 whisper_mediaActive:0 startMedia:0 offhook:0 ringing:0 reset:0 reset_sent:0 paging 0 debug:0 caps:0
IP: * 46019 Unity Voice Port  keepalive 3097 max_line 1 available_line 0
Preferred Codec: g711ulaw
Lpcor Type: none

Now, all you need is to create the numbers for voicemail and MWI. MWi has to match the number you provided on Unity-

ephone-dn  34
 number 5000
 name VM Port1
 call-forward busy 5001
 call-forward noan 5001 timeout 10
 translation-profile outgoing VOICEMAIL
ephone-dn  35
 number 5001
 name VM Port2
 call-forward busy 5002
 call-forward noan 5002 timeout 10
 translation-profile outgoing VOICEMAIL
ephone-dn  36
 number 5002
 name VM Port3
 call-forward busy 5003
 call-forward noan 5003 timeout 10
 translation-profile outgoing VOICEMAIL
ephone-dn  37
 number 5003
 name VM Port4
 call-forward busy 5004
 call-forward noan 5004 timeout 10
 translation-profile outgoing VOICEMAIL
ephone-dn  38
 number 5004
 name VM Port5
 call-forward busy 5000
 call-forward noan 5000 timeout 10
 translation-profile outgoing VOICEMAIL

ephone-dn  43
 number 5051 secondary 5050
 mwi on-off

After creating these, associate the number with ephone-
ephone  29
 device-security-mode none
 vm-device-id CiscoUM1-VI2
 button  1:35
ephone  30
 device-security-mode none
 vm-device-id CiscoUM1-VI3
 button  1:36
ephone  31
 device-security-mode none
 vm-device-id CiscoUM1-VI4
 button  1:37
ephone  32
 device-security-mode none
 vm-device-id CiscoUM1-VI1
 button  1:34

if you dial 5000 from the ephone, it will take you to Unity.
Hence, assign call-forward on DNs on unity pilot/ports.

ephone-dn  28  octo-line
 number 8428 no-reg both
 pickup-group 1
 label (8428)
 name (8428)
 call-forward busy 5000
 call-forward noan 5000 timeout 20


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