Intercom line configuration.

Intercom combines the functionality of a traditional line and a speed dial. With an intercom line, a user can call the intercom line of another user, which auto-answers to one-way audio whisper.
Cool, isn't it!

It reminds me good ol' days of landlines at home. All we used to do is pick up the receiver one from hall and the other from living room and we could able to hear each other, since it connects the same telephone line.

Now, let's start with it's configuration.
All you need to do is spare 5minutes of your time and intercom line will be running smoothly.
  • First, configure intercom partition- so that only intercom can reach the other intercom line.
  • And CSS would automatically get generated.
  • Configure Intercom DN's and select right partition and CSS. 'Auto answer with speakerphone' feature is enabled by default.
  • Provide the intercom DN's to the concerned users, most probably they are manager and assistant.
That's it! It should be working now :)


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